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Streaming Media Override

Many video's are blocked because they are hosted on the steaming media websites such as  Although Vimeo is blocked staff can override the block to show video's that are school appropriate.  

If you are trying to view a video and you see the following block page check to be sure the site you are navigating to is either or another streaming media website.

Click the Override link.  This will provide a new window that requires authentication.  

Enter your username/password:

  • Username:  firstname.lastname
  • Password:  same one you use to log into your laptop/desktop

Once you click continue you should be redirected to the site you were trying to access

Tips for Troubleshooting Problems:

If you are not getting a block page make sure you are using Safari, Chrome or Internet Explorer.  Firefox isn't currently supported without extra work (please enter an IT Help Ticket for your building for more information regarding Firefox).

If your credentials aren't working, make sure you are using the correct username/password.  It is the same as the username/password you use to log into your laptop/desktop (not email and password, not skyward credentials)  *If it still doesn't work contact your tech support person to have them make sure you are setup for streaming media override.

Overrides are only allowed for sites in the "Streaming Media and Download" category.  If you feel like a page is blocked in error and should be unblocked completely or allowed for staff only, please enter an IT Help Ticket and include the URL and category of the site (image for finding the URL below):

  • 15
  • 07-May-2019